
Indian Technical Center Doubled in Size!
- Aiming to triple Indian sales to 300 units per year -


CITIZEN MACHINERY CO., LTD. (Karuizawa Headquarters: Miyota-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano-ken, President: Keiichi Nakajima) relocated the Indian Technical Center to east Bangalore and doubled its area in October 2022 with the aim of strengthening the sales system and enhancing all of the services for customers in India, one of our key markets.The aim of this is to triple the current sales of machines in India to 300 units per year by 2024.

Our current orders in the Indian market are solid, centering on the automotive industry and healthcare industry, and with a population of 1.3 billion we can expect growing demand in the medium to long term. Since Citizen Machinery opened its Technical Center in 2014, we have steadily grown sales by enhancing the machines on show, building the sales and service system and so on.In order to respond to the robust demand and promote business in this market, we considered it imperative to expand the local Technical Center to serve as a base, so we relocated and expanded it.

In line with this relocation of the Technical Center, the number of machines of the Cincom and Miyano brands on show will be increased from 4 models to 7 models before the end of FY2022.We will also utilize the showroom in further efforts to strengthen the before-sales service (dealing with customers prior to orders) and after-sales service to provide customers with machining technology support, and build a system to deal with customers in a more attentive and prompt manner.

Overview of the new Technical Center

Citizen Watches (India) Pvt Ltd,
Citizen Machinery Technical Center Division
No. 38-A1, Doddanekkundi Industrial Area, Ⅱ Phase, Mahadevapura Post, Bangalore, Karnataka 560048, India
Opening date
October 2022
Services provided
Showroom function (plan to show 7 Citizen Machinery machines), sales function, service function

Exterior of new Technical Center

Interior of new Technical Center


Contact Details for Media Inquiries
CITIZEN MACHINERY CO., LTD. Corporate Planning Department
+81-267-32-5911(Direct line)
Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. Public & Investor Relations Department
+81-42-466-1232 (Direct line)