Citizen Machinery's symbol for promoting sustainability
This symbol is a sign of our unwavering commitment to addressing social issues through our business.

Diverse Initiatives for a Sustainable Society

Sustainable Factories

Promotion of Waste Recycling and Reduction of Hazardous Substances
99.98% recycling rate at plants in Japan
Elimination of hazardous substances in manufacturing processes (ozone-depleting substances, chlorinated organic cleaning agents, etc.)

Karuizawa Headquarters Precision Machining Plant

Construction completed in March 2023; solar panels installed on-site


Began operations in August 2021; solar panels installed on-site


Using 100% geothermal-powered lighting since 2016


Conservation of Creatures Living on Land Managed by Citizen Machinery

Certified as a “Coexistence with Nature Site” by the Ministry of the Environment
Registered on the OECM International Database

Support for Future Generations

Participation in "Gokko Land", a Real-World Experience App for Children

Citizen Watch and Citizen Machinery are aiming to develop the future of Japan’s manufacturing industry by providing the children who will lead coming generations with opportunities to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with creation and to learn new things.

Download "Gokko Land", a real-world experience app for children, here
"Watch & Machine Experience" play video (Gokko Land YouTube channel)
Walking Care Support for Elementary School Students

In order to ensure that children can live long lives with healthy legs, we offer all of the students at nearby elementary schools opportunities to learn about the science of walking.

Vocational Learning for Junior High School Students throughout Japan

In addition to offering online vocational classes to junior high school students throughout Japan, we are also providing them with opportunities to think about working by allowing students from nearby junior high schools to participate in work experience programs.

2022 9 schools Approx. 770 students
2023 9 schools Approx. 550 students

Donating Machinery to Nearby High Schools

By donating machinery to nearby high schools, we are providing industrial and technical students, who will lead the next generation of manufacturing, the opportunity to become familiar with our automatic lathes and master the latest machining techniques. Our hope is that this will allow them to develop the expertise, flexible thinking, and practical skills needed to contribute to the development of manufacturing around the world.

SDG-Related Certifications, etc.

2022 - present
Registered as a Nagano Prefecture SDGs Promotion Company
2022 - present
Registered as a Saitama Prefecture SDGs Partner
Winner of the 2023 Shinshu SDGs Award
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