Sliding headstock type cam automatic latheM-2Years of production 1953 - 1963

Nitto Seiki Co., Ltd. was a forerunner to the Precision Machinery Division of Citizen Watch Co., Ltd. and was established as the exclusive provider of precision machines to Citizen Watch Co. This model, produced from 1935, is the smallest of the swiss-type lathes designed by Nitto Seiki. It is a classic example of a belt driven lathe with a ceiling mounted drive shaft. Throughout WWII and for some time afterwards this model was manufactured under the name "NITTO but the name subsequently changed to "M-2".

Sliding headstock type cam automatic lathe M-2
Max. machining diameter : ø2mm (brass)
ø1.5mm (steel)
Max. machining length : 15mm
Number of tools : 3
Max. spindle speed : 4000min-1
Motor : 1/10HP